Our purpose is to make a difference by developing natural resources, improving people's lives now and for generations to come. We are trusted by our owners and partners to realise the potential of their resources.

Our values
Every day, our values shape the way we behave and the standards we set for ourselves and others.
We care about people, the communities we’re a part of and the world we depend on.
We deliver on our commitments and rely on each other to do the right thing.
We value difference and we openly listen and share, knowing that together we are better.
We are courageous and challenge ourselves to be the best in what matters.
Our history
Maximising returns and building a sustainable business - these are the milestones that made us who we are today:

South32 is established, our capital management framework is set up, we joined ICMM (International Council on Mining and Metals), and paid our first dividend to shareholders.

Developed values and policies that outlined our expectations about how we work together and behave towards each other, including our Code of Business Conduct and our Risk Management Framework.

Committed to supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement and developed Our Approach to Climate Change, focusing on climate change opportunity, resilience and emissions reduction.

Set our long-term goal of achieving net zero operational GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2050 and published our first GHG emissions reduction target to keep our Scope 1 GHG emissions below the FY15 baseline by FY21.

Commenced on-market share buyback as part of our capital management program.

Published our inaugural ‘Our Approach to Climate Change’ disclosure, in line with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Invested US$1.8 million in addressing the pay equity gap.

Restructured our business to consolidate global functions and create a centralised marketing model and global business services that support our evolving portfolio of operations and development options.

Began assessing our operational resilience to the physical impacts of an extreme climate change scenario.
Rolled out new emissions reduction initiatives at our operations, including the Cannington solar farm and Worsley Alumina biomass fuel trial to reduce energy coal consumption.

Completed the acquisition of Arizona Mining (Hermosa); one of the most exciting base metals projects in the industry.

Shared our vision for reconciliation in our first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).

Completed decarbonisation concept studies for Worsley Alumina and Illawarra Metallurgical Coal.

Detailed our approach to tailings management in support of ICMM's Global Tailings Review to develop an international standard for tailings management.

Formed the Ambler Metals Joint Venture for the Upper Kobuk Mineral Projects in north-west Alaska.

Supported our communities with disaster relief and pledging US$7 million for our COVID-19 community response.

Launched our Innovate RAP to raise the bar on our previous commitments and reviewed the climate change positions of our industry associations.

Exited carbon-intensive and lower returning businesses, completing the divestments of South Africa Energy Coal and the TEMCO manganese alloy smelter.

Achieved our first GHG emissions reduction target, keeping our Scope 1 GHG emissions below the FY15 baseline and announced our medium-term target to halve our operational GHG emissions by 2035 compared to our FY21 baseline.

Commenced our safety improvement program, a three-year global program of work designed to achieve a step change in our safety performance.

Added copper to our portfolio by acquiring a 45 per cent stake in the Sierra Gorda copper mine in Chile.

Increased our exposure to low carbon aluminium by increasing our shareholding in the hydro-powered Mozal Aluminium smelter and achieving first production from the restart of the 100 per cent renewable powered Brazil Aluminium smelter.

Completed a pre-feasibility study for the zinc-silver-lead Taylor Deposit, the first development option at Hermosa.

Our Climate Change Action Plan (CCAP), describing the actions we are taking to address the risks and opportunities that climate change presents for our business, received approval from the Board and support from a non-binding advisory vote at our Annual General Meeting.

Participated in a pilot study on implementing the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Framework in the Australian context.

Studies confirm the potential for the Hermosa Project's Clark deposit to produce battery-grade manganese. Hermosa becomes the first mining project added to the United States' FAST-41 process, recognising its potential to strengthen the domestic supply of critical minerals.

Announced final investment approval for the Taylor zinc-lead-silver deposit, the first development at our Hermosa project.

Entered into a binding agreement to sell Illawarra Metallurgical Coal, expected to complete in H1 FY25.

Converted two coal-fired boilers at Worsley Alumina to natural gas, reducing the refinery's coal consumption and operational greenhouse gas emissions.