15 NOVEMBER 2023
Coding and problem solving are key skills for jobs that are shaping the future – so for young people, opportunities to develop those skills and challenge themselves is invaluable.
Hillside Aluminium, together with non-profit education and training organisation ORT SA, last year launched a coding and robotics program in King Cetshwayo District, South Africa.
Students and teachers taking part in the program have been working together to develop practical applications (apps) that help address local socio-economic development challenges.
The group recently showcased their coding and robotics projects at an ORT SA coding competition. The applications presented by students were innovative and impressive, including apps to teach users about crops, the human anatomy and a security app that has video recording capability and can send GPS coordinates.
It’s exciting to see the current student-teacher cohort participating in exhibitions and coding competitions across the country. Over 120 students and 21 teachers across four high schools in the region are developing their skills.
The multi-year program aims to accelerate technology inclusion in education and improve digital literacy, while building relevant skills in educational technology in local schools.
The knowledge and skills gained will be used by teachers to educate their students to solve real-life problems, develop an interest in entrepreneurship, or pursue other related fields in technology through their coding clubs.