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Developing natural resources to change lives for the better

Our approach

Our approach

We aim to develop natural resources sustainably and with care, to create value and opportunities for people today and in the future.

We view sustainability as supporting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our approach to sustainability aims to balance environmental, social and economic considerations, and to support delivery of our purpose and strategy in a way that creates enduring value for our stakeholders. 

Developing natural resources to help change lives for the better

Sustainability is at the heart of our purpose and underpins the delivery of our strategy. Our commitment to sustainable development is outlined in our Sustainability Policy and guides the five interconnected pillars of our sustainability approach which focus on areas that are material to our business and stakeholders.

Guided by international initiatives and standards 


Our Sustainability Policy is guided by international standards and initiatives, including the ICMM Mining Principles, the United Nations Global Compact Ten Principles, the Global Reporting Initiative, the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.


Milestones on our road to net zero

As a global mining and metals company, we have an important role to play in responding to the risks and opportunities of climate change: to produce commodities critical for the transition to a low-carbon³ world; and to do so in a way that seeks to contribute value to society and minimise environmental impact. Our approach to climate change aligns with our purpose, is integrated with our strategy and is designed to protect and unlock long-term value, enhance our competitiveness in a low-carbon future and build operational resilience.


Set our long-term goal¹ to achieve net zero operational GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 2050


Achieved our first GHG emissions reduction target² of keeping our Scope 1 GHG emissions below our FY15 baseline


Meet our target² of halving our operational GHG emissions, compared to our FY21 baseline


Achieve our goal¹ of net zero GHG emissions (Scopes 1, 2 and 3)

South32 at a glance

Our commodities















More operations information: What we do Our locations Our commodities

Our FY23 Underlying EBIT was US$1,616M

By commodity

  • Base and precious metals
  • Manganese ore
  • Aluminium value chain
  • Copper
  • Metallurgical coal

By region

  • Australia
  • Africa
  • Americas


FY23 Shareholder returns


FY23 Total taxes and royalties


FY23 Social investment

More financial information: Investors Financial & operational results Annual Reporting Suite

Our approach aligns with international standards and initiatives, including the ICMM Mining Principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

safety performance
1.4 FY23 Lost Time Injury Frequency (per million hours worked)1
reducing our emissions
2050 Goal2 of net zero greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3)
inclusion and diversity
≥40% Our target for all gender representation metrics by FY29

1 Incidents are included where South32 controls the work location or controls the work activity. Lost time injuries include injuries that result in one or more lost work days after the day of the event.

2 ‘Goal’ is defined as an ambition to seek an outcome for which there is no current pathway(s), but for which efforts will be pursued towards addressing that challenge, subject to certain assumptions or conditions.

Sustainability in action

Female mine truck operator training at Cerro Matoso

Female mine truck operator training at Cerro Matoso

To improve the representation of women in operational and leadership roles, our Cerro Matoso operation in Colombia has invested in several training, recruitment, and leadership initiatives. One program is providing mine truck operator training to women from 25 local communities.

Hillside Aluminium supports victims of gender-based violence

Hillside Aluminium supports victims of gender-based violence

Our Hillside Aluminium operation marked the beginning of the UN’s 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based violence by handing over seven newly built ‘park home’ units to LifeLine Zululand in the King Cetshwayo, uMhkanyakude and Zululand districts. 

New sustainable facility for local children in Meyerton, South Africa

New sustainable facility for local children in Meyerton, South Africa

A new ZAR44.7 million sustainable facility was completed in 2022 for Kotulong Community Centre (KCC), a local Non-Government Organisation working with vulnerable children in Gauteng. 

National award for GEMCO biosecurity program

National award for GEMCO biosecurity program

Our GEMCO team, in partnership with the Anindilyakwa Land Council won an Australian Biosecurity Award in the category Best Environmental Biosecurity program, for their work keeping Groote Eylandt free of introduced and invasive plant and animal species such as cane toads. 

"The portfolio changes we have announced align with our purpose and position South32 to continue supporting the global energy transition.”

- Karen Wood, Chair
Karen Wood, Chair of South32


1 ‘Goal’ is defined as an ambition to seek an outcome for which there is no current pathway(s), but for which efforts will be pursued towards addressing that challenge, subject to certain assumptions or conditions.

2 ‘Target’ is defined as an intended outcome in relation to which we have identified one or more pathways for delivery of that outcome, subject to certain assumptions or conditions. 

This page contains forward looking statements, including statements in relation to climate change and other environmental and energy transition scenarios. While these forward-looking statements reflect South32’s expectations at the date of publishing the 2023 Sustainable Development Report, they may be affected by a range of variables which could cause actual outcomes and developments to differ materially from those expressed in such statements.South32 makes no representation, assurance or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or likelihood of fulfilment of any forward-looking statement, any outcomes expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement or any assumptions on which a forward-looking statement is based.

3 'Low-carbon' refers to lower levels of GHG emissions when compared to the current state. Where used in relation to South32’s products or portfolio, it refers to enhancement of existing methods, practices and technologies to substantially lower the level of embodied GHG emissions as compared to the current state.